

we are coffee growers with coffee harvesting roasting ,grinding ,and packaging facilities .we provide our customers with highest and premium quality coffee and roasting to ensure maximum freshness.

  • Baba Budan, during 17th century Sufi Saint from India. He went on a pilgrimage to Mecca. On the way back to his homeland, he came across a dark sweet liquid called Quahwa being served to other guests like him while in Mocha, a port city of Yemen that overlooks the Red Sea. This is where he first tasted coffee. He enjoyed the drink and thought of it as quite refreshing.
  • Mocha was also the source of the popular Mocha coffee beans. The Arabs knew coffee was unique and were extremely protective about their coffee industry. In those days, coffee was exported to other parts of the world in roasted or baked form so that no one could grow their own. It was considered an illegal act to carry green coffee seeds out of Arabia.
  • But Baba Budan was so much in love with the drink that he wanted to bring it back with him. Since he couldn’t carry it, he decided to smuggle it instead. So he took just 7 Green Coffee seeds on his way back. After returning from his pilgrimage, Baba Budan planted the Seven Seeds of Coffee in the courtyard of his hermitage in Chikmagalur, Karnataka and that became the birthplace and origin of coffee in India.
  • The coffee plants gradually spread as backyard plantings, and later on to the surrounding Chandangiri Hills. In order to thank the Sufi saint for his efforts, the kind people of Chikmagalur named this entire mountain range as Baba Budan Giri (‘Giri’ meaning hill) in his honors. It includes the highest peaks of Karnataka. Filled with coffee plantations and estates that seem to go on forever, today Chikmagalur is also known as the Coffee Country. The 7 coffee beans planted by Baba Budan were of the Arabica coffee variety, which is today the second most cultivated coffee bean in India after Robusta, which is a modified, more climate sturdy variety of Arabica.
  • India is the only country in the world where all coffees are grown under a ‘well- defined two-tier shade canopy of evergreen leguminous trees’. India is today home to 16 unique varieties of coffees. India has 13 distinct coffee growing regions, most of them in the southern part of the country. India’s coffee regions are one of the 25 biodiversity hotspots in the world. Robusta & Arabica are the most widely grown varieties in the regions.
  • India produces more than 316,000 metric tons of coffee per year, of which the Robusta variety accounts for 70%, while the Arabica accounts for 30% of total produce and the seventh largest producer of coffee in the world; after Brazil, Vietnam, Columbia, Indonesia, Ethiopia and Honduras. Indian coffee is exported to more than 45 countries. Italy being the largest importer, followed by Germany, the Russian Federation, Belgium and Turkey.


  • MONSOONED MALABAR : is a process applied to coffee beans. The harvested coffee seeds are exposed to the monsoon rain and winds for a period of about three to four months, causing the beans to swell and lose the original acidity, resulting in a flavor profile with a practically neutral pH balance. The coffee is unique to the Malabar Coast of Karnataka and Kerala and has protected status under India’s Geographical Indications of Goods . The name Monsoon Malabar is derived from exposure to the monsoon winds of the Malabar Coast.
  • Monsooned coffee is a specialty coffee in which dry green Arabica and Robusta seeds of good quality are naturally cured for 3–4 months by exposure to the moist monsoon winds prevailing in the west coast of Southern India (Malabar Coast), especially in the regions of Mangalore.
  • The coffee is loosely packed in gunny bags and stacked in piles with sufficient space between rows to allow air to circulate freely around the bags. The coffee cherries absorb moisture from the humid monsoon atmosphere, causing the seeds to swell, become light yellow, and acquire an intensely mellow but aggressively musty flavor. The coffee is bulked and repacked at frequent intervals or poured from one bag to another to prevent mold growth and ensure uniform monsooning. Only dry processed Arabica and Robusta seeds are used to prepare monsooned coffees. These seeds have good body, low acidity, and pleasant aroma and flavor in the cup. Monsooned coffees are exported from India to Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America.
  • Taste: The blend is heavy bodied, pungent, and considered to be dry with a musty, chocolaty aroma and notes of spice and nuts.
  • These Coffees have been harvested in Bababudan Giri Hills. In those days coffee was exported to other parts of the world in roasted or baked form so that no one could grow their own and were forced to buy from the Yemenis. Hint of Dark Chocolate, Sweetish and Slightly Citric Note, Good body and long finish.
  • Combination of Arabica & Robusta.
  • BILIGIRI BLEND : This coffee has been sourced from Western Ghats. These coffee berries are plucked from the gardens nestled in Coorg, a place from where the berries have drawn the essence of the land and air into them, all the while witnessed by flora & fauna of the farms. Citric Note, Floral and Citrusy, Mild Body and good acidity,
  • Slightly sweetish and good mouth feel.
  • PURE ARABICA: It is our quest to curate rare and unique coffee. From single farm, high elevation of 4280ft above ground. These coffee beans are handpicked, graded and sorted and only the best processed for grinding for onsumption.Good flavor and balanced Aroma coupled with a sharp sweet taste. Pure Arabica. Intensely fragrant and aromatic. Lots of caramel and citrus, toasted nuts, milk chocolate and flecks of red apple.

Light Roast –

Light Body, Notes of seeds, malt, grain, grass, corn

Medium Light Roast – 

Bright Acidity ,more complexity, clear origin character

Medium Roast – 

Balanced Acidity and sweetness, full body, clear origin character

Medium Dark Roast – 

Emerging bitterswetness, slightly muted acidity, potential for heavy body Notes of tobacco, vanilla, bourbon, stewed meet, smoked fruit

Dark Roast – 

Potential Bittersweetness, muted acidity, light body Notes of burnt tobacco, very dark cocoa, bitter black tea, charred vegetable, very dark roast

Very Dark

Dominate bitter/bittersweet tones, light body fully muted origin character Notes of cigar smoke, smoked meet, liquid smoke, soy sauce, fish sauce, burnt bread

Extreme Dark – 

Dominate burned/bitter tones.

  • Honey process is a method in which coffee cherries are picked and sorted, have their skins and pulps removed like other types of coffee—but are then dried without washing off the sticky-sweet outer layer of the fruit. Since honey process beans spend less time in water than washed beans do, less fermentation occurs, so not as much of the sugar in the bean is converted to acid.
  • spend less time in water than washed beans do, less fermentation occurs, so not as much of the sugar in the bean is converted to acid.
  • Nope, there’s no actual honey on these beans, despite their name and sticky appearance
  • The result of this process is sweet, smooth cups of coffee with huge mouthfeel in addition to muted acidity